Part of my childhood ended tonight…

Well, it officially happened…True Blood has come to an end.  It is hard for me to admit this but the past two seasons were pretty lack luster, but I obviously had to watch!  The SERIES finale has left me kind of frustrated but yet relieved that it has finally come to an end.  First, I am weirdly happy that Bill’s character was killed off but still surprised how they tried to turn shoving a wood stake through his heart as being romantic.  Yes, I get it that it was done by Sookie (who drives me nuts btw), but I personally would have preferred to suffer the true death by trying to get a suntan.  Next, I can not be more thrilled that Eric survived and was not killed off.  Let’s be honest, that would have been a dumb move to kill him off since he basically carried the last three seasons.  It was good to see goofy, charming & endearing Jason happy with kids but it wouldn’t have hurt to have another Eric/Jason “dream” to end the series properly…I’m just saying.  Jessica should be cast for the next Nicholas Sparks movie, she is a perfect Southern Belle and is uniquely very pretty.  Now, like I said above, I have never been a fan of Sookie, she drives me up the wall.  First, she wouldn’t help her one true love and then the show ends with her being pregnant with some random dude that we don’t even get to see what he looks like?!?!?!?!  Yes, I know it wouldn’t matter, but still we all want to see the type of guy she ends with…I mean we’ve been seeing her with pathetic-looking Bill for far too long.  All in all it was a pretty disappointing end but again in a way I am happy it’s over, I am not sure how much more I could take…  OH! one last thing…  My friend pointed out a valid point, Lafayette did not have ONE single word during the finale, now that is a catastrophe!  Fortunately, the Fall TV season is just around the corner and we all know that there is always a solid Housewife season on BRAVO to entertain me, let’s be honest I am an adult child so my childhood will live on!

-Deuces, BHill
