When you mess with the Bull, you will get the horns!

Like the saying goes, “when you mess with the bull, you will get the horns,” this past weekend was no different. Let me set up the scene first… This past weekend I voyaged out of the Newport Beach bubble with four of my friends to one of their family’s “compounds” in Arroyo Grande. By “compound” I mean a large custom 6,000 sq.ft. estate sitting on five acres offering a private barn with horses and a custom 2,000 sq.ft. separate saloon, which was fully stocked that we took FULL advantage of! Obviously, me and one of my friends thought it would bull-taurus-tattoobe a fun idea to make-up alter egos for the weekend which led us to become Canadian SocialitesFrench Canadian though NOT English Canadian, just too clarify. When arriving at the compound my fellow socialite and I were led to our private room in the main house which included an en suite bathroom and a king size tempurpedic mattress that felt like heaven on Earth. Two of our other friends were led to the saloon where there was an additional private room and bathroom. Now, if you know me and my friends then you know we love to bust each other’s balls when given the opportunity… So, I initiated a joke that they were our “farm help” since they were not staying in the main house. First let me say that the saloon offered a private bedroom, bathroom, pool table & entertainment system and fully stocked bar, it was nowhere near being subpar but again I thought it was funny to just press their buttons which gave me a good laugh but I am sure caused some unnecessary tension. For the most part this was all taken in a joking manner, granted I am sure me and my one friend probably took it too far a couple times, but isn’t that what socialites are supposed to do, to be totally oblivious?!?!?! Needless to say, I slept like an angel floating in a cloud and was awoken by the beautiful smell of coffee and a homemade breakfast the next morning!

The next day our host family had set up a day full of winery tours, which included a private driver so that we can really take full advantage of all the wine drinking. All of this started at 11:00am and went until around 5:00pm. We received the VIP treatment everywhere we went which meant excessive amounts of wine tasting. Basically by the time we got back we were all feeling pretty good and continued drinking the wine we all bought from the tours, I mean why the hell would we want to stop at that point, that would make no sense. We were treated to a filet mignon dinner which obviously included more wine. Everything was going so smoothly, I was even killing it in darts, even though my eyes suck and I could barely see the board! It is worth noting that I have been officially crowned the dart champion, my southern roots definitely came out; I told you all I was a country-boy at heart.  Around 9:00 – 9:30pm the youngest of the group made the smart decision to go to bed, I mean nearly 12 hours of constant drinking should be enough for most people, but the rest of us looked at them like they were crazy and thought they just “couldn’t hang,” man was I wrong…

Now back to the saying regarding “messing with the bull.” As most of you are aware, I love astrology and my music, specifically EDM. I am a hardcore Taurus and love the feeling of 604915_l“controlling” the music.  One of my other friends is a hardcore Taurus and we typically never have any issues because we are usually on the same page, but this time I think we were on different planets.  I will be the first to admit I was probably the one on Mars while they were chillin’ on Earth.  It came down to the last four of us hanging out in the saloon and starting to play a drinking game…yes, we thought it was a brilliant idea to initiate a game which includes making people chug.  My music was obviously providing the background entertainment, and by “background” I mean we had to shout to each other even though we were maybe a foot from one another; but again my brain and ears were drowning in wine…  My one Taurus friend asked to put on their music, which typically annoys me since I think I am the only one on this planet that has any taste (insert a sarcastic smirk and rolling of the eyes), but this time I was like that’s fine I wanted to text my boyfriend anyway (even though he is probably the worst texter and/or his phone is always f**ked up so he doesn’t get all my messages which drives me up a wall because I don’t want to look like a crazy person when I follow-up with multiple messages as to why he wasn’t responding, which at the end of the day makes me look like that crazy person I was trying to avoid…man this is a whole other topic, but something I am definitely working on, hahaha)…  Anyway, when they went to switch out the phone I asked them to bring mine back, which didn’t happen, they just left it on the bar and totally ignored me.  In their defense, we have been drinking all day and we were not really aware of other people’s requests, but at that specific moment in time I thought they were just being an a$$.  So, once I got my lazy ass up and took that five foot journey to get my phone I was filling up with anger…YES I am fully aware how ridiculous this sounds, but again at that moment I was infuriated.  When I returned to the table, I was obviously the dealer of the drinking game and started making stupid digs/comments directed at my friend who just pissed me off.  Now this is where it goes back to how we are both hardcore Taurus’s and very similar, basically we feel we are never wrong when we are upset especially when drunk.  My friend then starts making comments back to me, which caught me off guard since my friends usually just call me out when I’m acting like this and do not engage, but instead their comments were just making my anger tank rise to unusual levels.  As a grown up, I should be more aware of this feeling and know how to better handle my anger but I was slowly creeping to the part where all I saw was red…  Now, up to this point the comments being exchange were so freaking gay and when we were sober it literally made us laugh how mad we were getting over stupid shit.  I am not going to go into details on the comments that were exchanged except for the following, which was the comment that pushed me over the limit…  As we continued to bicker back and forth, I encouraged them to “check themselves” (I guess I turned into Bobby Fisher and was about to put them in “checkmate” or something) which they replied with (insert bitchy tone and eyeroll) “…really check myself, where are you even from Brett?!”  For whatever reason this just tipped me over the edge and like my other friend and I later started joking about, this was when the gloves came off…  My reply was “I am from f**king Washington D.C. not f**king OC!”  I find out later that their comment was in a total joking manner to try and diffuse the situation, remember we love busting each other’s balls, but at that time I felt like they were insinuating they were better than me and I do not respond to snobby people/comments very well.  At this point my eyes were filled with red and like most Taurus’s we both started to lash out at each other’s weakest points saying stuff that we knew would bother the other person even though it may not be true.  After about five minutes of this exchange I abruptly get up and say I’m over it and head to my room. My “socialite” friend comes back to the room and asked if that was my audition to be one of the housewives because that was the most out of the blue and ridiculous fight they have ever seen.  I slowly began to come back to planet Earth and realize that I acted totally irrational.  The next day we both woke up and apologized, then we both realize how true astrology is because we both began to act so irrationally but were too stubborn to pull it back, two typical Taurus’s.  We all joked that maybe the youngest member of our group was actually the wisest, but that statement was quickly attacked by all of us with sarcastic comments…man, a person must have a pretty tough skin to be able to hang within our friend’s circle, judge free – shame free.1907798_10152376249837947_6694667531553005710_n

I also must note that I have nothing against the OC, especially since I now call this place my home; it was just an irrational come back that made no sense. I love all my OC family & friends :)!   

-Deuces, BHill